Mindset tool box

Skills we can use everyday to work through what we go through.

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We don't always have the luxury of waiting for the stress to stop before we can be content. For many of us, it's about finding the right tools and guidance, to help us find our peace whilst living through adversity.

Let me ask you this, are you used to putting yourself last? Do you feel like you don’t have time to look after yourself properly or even have the time to think about it? 

Then you are not alone, I know that feeling, because that was me too. 

Being mindful is an overused phrase and honestly I was sick of hearing about it. Yeah, I thought, it’s pretty easy to be mindful when you are sitting on a beautiful cushion on some window seat in the sunshine with a lovely cup of tea (too many inspiration posts maybe :-P) but what about when you are knee deep in stress, feeling anxious and can’t see a way forward?

I hear you! But I know that it’s possible to learn skills and strategies that can be used everyday so that you will no longer be hijacked by distressing or stressful circumstances .

I will take you on a journey from stress to stillness, from panic to peace and from anxiety to alignment. 

You don’t have to do it alone, I have your back.

Helping other people

I get it..I really do. It’s so easy to put ourselves last on the list of things to look after. But what I have learnt it we have to help ourselves before we can help anyone else. We can’t give from an empty cup. Give yourself the gift of the whole you and show others around you it’s possible too.

If you are doing the same thing, in the same way, at the same times then you will get the same results. We can also feel like we have tried eevvverrythiinggg to make a change and still nothing does. The secret is deciding you want things to change for reals this time. That’s the first step…the second is getting help to make that change. You are in the right place.

Without the help and guidance we often just let ourselves off the hook. The truth is changing your life isn’t easy, the old you will pull and claw at you to just think..ahhh let’s just watch Netflix instead, we can do this tomorrow, it’s all too hard, just have another glass of wine instead…sound familiar! I know..because this was me too. Numbing the pain by pretending things aren’t happening is just a quick route to more anxiety, depression and pain.

Next course starting on 21st June 2021

What will we do on the course?


Caregiver Stress and burnout

The demands of caregiving can be exhausting and overwhelming. But there are steps you can take to rein in stress and regain a sense of balance, joy, and hope in your life.

Feeling powerless is the number one contributor to burnout and depression, especially if you feel like this isn’t what you expected life to be or you feel helpless to change things for the better. But no matter the situation, you aren’t powerless. This is especially true when it comes to your state of mind. We look at overcoming compassion fatigue and a way to regain energy and balance. Looking after yourself will become a priority.


asking for help and setting boundaries

“I don’t need anyone, I’ll just do it all myself” or “No one can help me” is a survival tactic and ohhhhh I get it. Maybe you learned: if I don’t put myself in a situation where I rely on someone, I won’t have to be disappointed when they don’t show up for me, or when they drop the ball... because they will always drop the ball sooner or later, right? Or maybe you feel no one will understand how to do what you do.

Maybe you feel guilty, like you are a burden if you ask for help. This is exactly what we explore here. Why we feel the way we do and then how we can change that.

I will share with you and incredible framework to help you set boundaries for yourself and for family and friends.


People pleasing and putting ourselves last

People who people please always put themselves last, don’t look after themselves, feel guilty if you take time out, do something for you or say no.

This pattern of not being able to speak up or speak out, feeling guilty, even when we have done nothing wrong and people pleasing  starts very early on in our life. 

When we say yes when we would rather say no, when we don’t speak up for what we would like..is a pattern of relating to people in the world to stay safe and to keep peoples approval and it’s a strategy to make people LIKE us at all costs and nothing to do with being a good person.  This is what people pleasing looks like and a life without boundaries. 

Once we learn how and why this started it’s something we can change and that’s what we learn about here.

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self compassion

"When we offer genuine compassion we join a person in his or her pain, being compassionate means that we recognise when someone is in pain. We abandon our fear of or our resistance to it and a natural feeling of love and kindness flows towards the suffering individual. The experience of compassion is completely abandonment of the inclination to resist emotional discomfort, it’s full acceptance of the person, of the pain and our own reactions to the pain” 

Self compassion is simply giving this same kindness to ourselves at we would give to others. This skill is often forgotten or underestimated, but it is essential.


6 strategies we can use to support our mental health everyday 

Here we create and then instil new habits to support our mental health everyday. These strategies are scientifically proven to create stillness and peace, so that in the middle of great adversity and pain we can still look after our mental health.

There is the option to this as part of a facebook group for 30 days of extra support, love and accountability or you can choose to do it your own way.


Community support

You will have the opportunity to join our wonderful warrior gang as we support each other on this journey though the unexpected.

Mindset Toolbox

Through courage and connection you will learn how to walk away from the survival mode that you are currently in to find a new home in contentment and peace in the middle of your very stressful life.

I will give you the strategies you need to help you rewire your emotional architecture so resilience even through great adversity are easy to access.