I wanted to talk to you about the phrase self care and why I think it’s dangerous.
You see we look after so many things in our lives…we look after our kids, you might have a partner that you help look after and in turn they help look after you, we look after our pets, we look after our plants and so many things…
Yet when it comes to ourselves it’s not just as simple as looking after ourselves.
Now, there is a buzz word…self care….and somehow looking after ourselves has become a luxury items and not an essential part of our lives.
And that’s why it’s dangerous.
By calling it self care we have made it an option. Something that can be opted out of if something on the list needs to get dropped if you are too busy.
Let’s put it another way…
If you were about to race formula one you don’t go through the check list like…well the track is good, the crowd are happy, the fuel is in…”what about the car” ahhhh it will be ok….it’s supposed to run ok so I sure it will. Nooooooo the most important part of that race IS the car.
Your body and mind is the vehicle you travel through life in and YOU have to look after it. You have to look after yourself.
It’s not an option, it’s not one for the f#$k it bucket, it’s top one priority at the top.
Imagine if everything had to go on without you, that’s what you are risking by not looking after yourself.
And trust me…I know it’s not easy. Not at all.
But I also know the alternative is WAY worse. Please treat yourself as you would your best mate, or your own child and take time for you, ask for help, speak kindly to yourself, give your brain time for stillness and peace.
MAKE time.
Make time for you.
This is not about being grateful we have have a bath on our own once a week or have a cup of tea…I mean something deeper.
Something that brings you peace, stillness.