Knowing what your life's purpose is can seem like a never ending quest. If you have wondered about your life's purpose you are not alone.
On Amazon there are 67,085 books about how you can work it out. Overwhelming much!
Adam Leipzig in his amazing TED talk says it's more simple than we think. In only 5 questions anyone can work out their life's purpose.
Who you are, what you do, who you do it for, what those people want and need, and how they change as a result.
Who you are is the easiest step...That's you, your name.
What you do: If you hate what you do at the moment then think about what you love to do. What brings you joy? Is it painting, being creative, designing, crunching numbers, teaching, helping people. If a lot comes into your mind then think about: what are you so great at that you could teach other people all about it too.
Who you do it for: Family, clients, the list could be endless. It's what matters to you.
What do all those people want or need: What do they want or need that you have, that they’ve come to you so you can give them this thing.
How do people change or transform as a result of what you give them.
Now put it all together in one sentence.
Adam then goes on to say:
"Now, why is that formulation so powerful? Because of all of those five things that you need to know to know what your life purpose is, only two are about yourself. The other three of them are about other people: who they are, what they want or need, and how they change as a result.
That formulation forces you to be outward facing. And all the happier people that I met were outward facing, they were not inward facing. They knew very clearly whom they served, what those people needed, and how those people changed as a result.