In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

I see it so often. Especially on "support groups" on the internet. 
Parents reach out for support, knowing they might have said or done the "wrong thing" and they are torn down for it. 
The internet can so often de humanise an experience with another person.
So I will share with you what I wrote on one such post this evening. 
Once I had offered practical supports and steps she could take to answer the question she had asked...I wrote,

"For everyone else so quick to judge the mum asking for help....just imagine...everyone is doing the best they can with the skills they have. She is also reaching out to expand those skills. So ask can I help without can I further those skills without causing harm. Let's be kind."

You can choose to be part of someone’s life changing moment, or their darkest day.

If you are ever stuck with what to say or do and you feel your own judgement rising..
ask yourself...
What would love do?