Inclusion not Integration

School is about to get started again and all sorts of children will be heading to the classroom.

Ordinary kids alongside ordinary kids with additional needs. Kids on wheels or on walkers or on foot. Kids who talk using computers, kids who talk with their smiles and kids that use words. Some that can write and some that can type. Some that eat with their mouths and some that eat with a tube.

Our children are so diverse and thank goodness for that.

To be able to see the world through so many different perspectives is wonderful. It's a gift.

I wanted to share with you the difference between Integration and Inclusion.

Integration puts people in the different groups and whilst often done with good intention, leads to exclusion and separation. It leads to kids with additional needs not being included in friendship groups and in play. Kids can only mirror what they are taught and if they are taught to fear difference and keep people seperate, then that's what they will demonstrate.

Inclusion believes ALL children are different (because they are horray!) and ALL children learn and play in their own way. Inclusion helps everyone. Inclusion is acceptance and respect for all.

For their rest of their lives children with meet with people who are different to so very many ways...our world is a many splendored thing and every person has value to bring to a community. Teach them now that diversity and difference is the reason our world is so utterly wonderful. We must encourage them to meet this difference with openness, love, kindness and curiosity and not with fear.

Kids with differences want just what other kids want, it's not a "special need"
So please encourage your kids to include them. To see if they want to play, to ask if they can wheel them outside, to read with them, to chat with them...all the things you would do at playtime or in class.

Not being able to walk, or talk, or write doesn't take away from the fact they do want connection and friendship...just the same as everyone else.

Inclusion is about belonging as this wonderful photo of Noah and his mate Tilly shows.

We are lucky Noah has so many wonderful friends.

He's just Noah to them. Not Noah on wheels, or with the tube, or with the plastic legs...just Noah. How wonderful is that.