Deep Breaths

Who here feels stressed or anxious everyday?

We have all heard of fight or flight, it’s a stress response that helps the body prepare for impending danger.

The problem is when this response is triggered by stresses we experience every day and not in response to being chased by a tiger.

The result is all sorts of health problems including high blood pressure and anxiety. Stress also suppresses the immune system and makes you more likely to get sick and 'ain't nobody got time for that!

Of course we can’t just avoid stress and in fact it wouldn’t be useful to try. We can, however, change how we respond to it. One way is through deep breathing. Big breaths into our bellies that put us into a more relaxed state.

Try something for me now…tense all of the muscles in your body…in your arms, your legs, your shoulders…now…try and take a deep breath. You just can’t.
It’s this tension…that most of the time we are not aware of…that deep breathing will also help us to get rid of.

Anxiety just melts away in the moment for me. 
It also releases endorphins which are the bodies Happy brain chemicals. 
Endorphins also the bodies natural pain killers. 
Breathing into your belly, using your diaphragm, helps removes toxins from the body.
Reduces stress and lowers blood pressure.
Helps you sleep better.

Use the picture to guide you through.
Breathe in through your nose, deep breath into your belly for 4 seconds. Hold onto the breath for 4 seconds and then allow the breath to release through your mouth for 4 seconds. Hold again for 4 seconds and then start around the square again.