Inclusion makes you grin.

Being included makes you grin. 
Noah was invited to his 2nd pool party this year and you can see how delighted he is.

Noah couldn’t do any of the activities the other kids were doing. None of them. We knew that before we went. And it didn’t matter at all, in anyway. In his words “he had the best day ever” just floating around near his mates, getting to hang in the wave pool with them and splash them all of course!

It would have been so easy to decide that it would be “unfair” to invite Noah.. or that it would be “too hard” for him.

We are so so grateful to the people who see Noah as the great mate he is, another classmate they want to have along, just another person in the gang. 
Because that’s what he is. Just like all the other kids.

He doesn’t have special needs, he has the same needs as everyone else. To be seen, heard, included and loved. 
He’s got additional needs to help him join in.. but we will always find a way to do that.

The photos show him having a ball in the water and then out having a rest, getting warmed up, having a top up of fluids and grinning whilst he watched his mates climb the cargo net.

Thank you with all our heart to the people who see him. Who invite him. This day wasn’t about him. It’s about the amazing birthday girl and we were thrilled to be given the opportunity to be there too.